
Pictures Paint A Thousand Words (Part IV)

“Simple Things”

There are these simple things in life that we mostly neglect. We haven’t realized but these things pass by unnoticed. Most of the time, they are rare events, sometimes they seemed too natural to be noticed.

In life, we tend to overlook things and focus on the big picture. We tend to neglect the other details. But if we take our time to see and appreciate the simple things around us, we would realize that they too are as important as other things. They happen for a reason.




Pictures Paint A Thousand Words (Part III)

Keep Moving Forward
“Let’s drive it slow and capture every view in the road called LIFE.”

Life itself is a journey. The road we travel is full of uncertainties and surprises. We never know what lies ahead. We can only see this moment. So far, what have we done? Have we made it a point to take it slow and live in the moment while we’re there?

Just like any normal car, it will run until there is gas. Much like our life, we live until there is LIFE. So as long as we are here in this world, slow down and enjoy the ride.

Have an enjoying and safe journey everyone!



Pictures Paint A Thousand Words (Part II)

Morning Goodness

What is the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning?

If we take the time to look outside, do we appreciate what we see? Nature is also a source of happiness. Its wonders can bring smile to everyone who notices and appreciates them. Take a break from your gadgets, turn off the wifi, go out, look up, look around, feel the fresh air, and think. We do have a beautiful life with us. We just have to appreciate what’s around us.



Pictures Paint A Thousand Words (Part I)


ART is a way to express our feelings and emotions. It is an outlet of our deepest thoughts and the core of our being. It is through art that we are able to speak what’s in our minds without necessarily using words to express.

Life itself is a form of art crafted for us. It is a large blank canvas and we have in our hands the brush to take part in painting a world where happiness and goodness overflows. Be wise in choosing the right colors to create the right combination in living a great life.
